Posted in Diary

Peace Camp for Peace Generation

Regarding preparation for Peace Camp 2009, my friends and i involved in Peace Generation community held a special camp for new peace generation members who joined the latest peace camp on last January. The activity took place at, Wisma Srikandi, Kaliurang, Yogyakarta for 3 days (Friday-Sunday, November 21-23, 2008). About 30 members who joined in SCP (Student Camp for Peace 2002), PION (Peace In Our Neighborhood 2005), PIOS (feeling Peace In Our School 2007), and JPAR (Jogja Peace Amazing Race 2008) came to the camp. And I was the chairman of the camp. Not the real chairman actually, coz everyone fully helped me and had a particular role. Thx friends … 🙂

Those three days contented several activities like lecturing, game, bla bla bla. We learnt much about conflict management, conflict characteristics, the way how to facilitate people in a particular group discussion, and how to organize Peace Camp 2009. All those materials we delivered to JPAR and PIOS members. On the last day, we talked much about Peace Generation itself as a social community. It was a good talk how to maintain a non-profit community. It was difficult, mate! Coz this event was actually held for regenerating the community which had no salary.

But yeah…we tried to empower this community and the new members had to remember that we grew together until now because of togetherness, smiling, crying, and laughing. Then, Go Peace Generation 🙂 !! Big Amen.


He calls himself a simple social butterfly as he frequently engages in social media such as blogs and micro blogging. Indonesian living in Singapore.

30 thoughts on “Peace Camp for Peace Generation

  1. OOT, Kie… Sekedar koreksi, kalo subject person lebih dari 1 taruhlah kata “I” pada bagian paling belakang. Bule2 gak pernah ngomong “I and blablabla”, tapi (misalnya) “my mother and I”, iya ‘kan? 🙂

  2. @jalan ketiga
    huahahha..nasib ya nggik..maaf ya.. :p eh lagian itu kan foto di bali kemaren..huehehe..

    Siaaaaaaaaaap!!! udah tak ganti mbk..hehe..thx anyway..lupa je..gegege

    @alid abdul
    hihihihi…no smoking bro on my page :p

  3. keren iket kepala itemnya.. (eh, bener ya..)
    nice friendship, a satisfying outdoor activity. respect, peace and love.. ^_^

  4. @indah
    makonyo nda…jgn belajar terus,..rewoh rewoh oi..huahhaa..
    *menangisi diri sendiri yg sebulan lebih tak tertarik dg skripsi :p
    keren kan theme nya? hahaha

    keren donk..huex..
    it was awesome..the real freandship..full of fun 🙂

  5. @Wie
    ayo ikutan peace camp 2009 wie di jogja.. 😛

    iya nih sell (sok kenal bgt gw..wkkw)…
    secara gw gak ikutan ke jkrta jd gak da bahan buat nulis ttg perhelatan itu..hiks..

  6. @sweetstrowberry
    seruuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bgt

    iyah..kita juga ngebajhas how to negotiate with NGO ..huehehe

    @agunk agriza
    asiiikkk bgt gunk…jogja jogja..hehehe

    january 2009..semoga!!

  7. Haloo… pasti acaranya asik yah….

    Kalo bukan orang Jogja boleh ikutan ga? hihihhi…. kayanya bakalan mahal diongkos nih 😛

  8. @sintingmaut
    iyah..seru bgt..
    boleh aja ke jogja..jadi slaah satu peserta di januari 2009. tapi mekanismenya ttp berlaku sob.

    yg pake iket kepala item 😀

  9. wowowow….. keren sih/…
    saya amat apresiatif juga dengan komitmen semua,,, terutama buaya-buaya muda macam mas fikri and others….

  10. Weh.. ada acara lagi to? Saia ketinggalan berita T-T sedih ga bisa ikut…. jadi kangen masa muda. Hohohoho (brapa umurmu Dhya?) I wish u all the best Fick..

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