Posted in Diary, Indonesia, Travel

Long Weekend in Bandung

WOW… What I’ve been planning since months ago eventually comes true. Yuppiii… having a long vacation in Bandung for three days was really…perfectly…completely awesome! Well, I recognize that this is like a kind of reward I give to what I did on my thesis lately…hehehehe.. Yeah.. this writing dedicated to Bimas and Mas Budi for accompanying  my days in the Kembang City. 🙂

Uhm…I finally arrived in Bandung on Friday morning while my friend, Bimas – Bandung blogger, the guy who should picked me up, was still enjoying his damn dreams. I gave him a call like more than thousands *lebay mode on* but no even an answer. He obviously made me sick by letting me alone like a lost boy in the jungle without anything I know. I used the time for looking around areas near to the station. Then after like mostly 2 hours, he gave me a call then immediately took me his home.  *Finally..fyuuuuh…*

Well,those three days consists of three kinds of the way I enjoyed the vacation. First day is a special day for shopping and “kopdar” accompanied by Bimas. The Second day I spent by “kopdar” with my old friends at Ciwalk (Cihampelas Walking) and I went around alone by using motorcycle without any map on my hand. I just asked somebody near me if I wanted to go somewhere. And the last day I spent for going to Kawah Batu accompanied by Mas Budi. It could be like a natural trip…*halah*…

Having lunch at Nasi Timbel Istiqomah – Siliwangi. It was really yummy…. sluuuuuuuuurp…

Kopdar with Bandung Bloggers a.k.a Batagor.Net. BayuHebat told me that the kopdar held at Toko Coklat.

Kopdar with my old friends at Ciwalk.

Pose in Kawah Batu, Bandung. It was crazy cold, buddy!!! *thanx mas Budi for this pic*

Then finally, on the fourth day, I went to Jakarta for something important in my life..%&$#$&^%$&*$^%*&…. When I’ve just arrived in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, I got message from tikabanget , well she said that she had been at Wetiga…. Geeeeeeeeeeerrrrr… I immediately run motorcycle reaching the place where was really far from the place I stayed. It was my first experience!!! I practically lost in somewhere before reaching the place *it took about 1 hour from Lenteng Agung to Wetiga*. However it was worthy with what I met there … yeye… many bloggers..haha.. simbok venus, tikabanget, chika, ichanx, pak de mbilung, gita, faniez, epat, and definetaly Ndoro, Enda, Pamantyo, Gembul and many more… hohoho…

Fyuuuuuuuuuuuuhh…… the holiday definitely ended beautifully….

The SECOND point of My Resolution in this year is DONE!!!


He calls himself a simple social butterfly as he frequently engages in social media such as blogs and micro blogging. Indonesian living in Singapore.

70 thoughts on “Long Weekend in Bandung

  1. @bimas
    ya maklum bim,,pencarian cardigan telah berlangsung bertahun2…halah.. baru dapet yg body fit ma badan gw..hahahha.. thanx Bandung 🙂

  2. @chic
    iyaaaaaaaaaaaa..hehehe..kirain ada mbk chichie :p

    nah itu dia..hahha..bingung

    *pura2 ndak baca komen alle*

    ayo ayoooooo. disambut kok..ntar ikut jumitenan mpe pagi,lol

    @mbk no
    bener bgt..seru sumpah mampus..halah..

    weh..tengkyu sob…

    ergggggggghh.. kok tau?? (annoyed)

  3. @fajar
    iyah..kamu beruntung..hahaha

    ayo gantian kopdar ke jogja ca…. :p

    iya..lah ndak ketemuan je…hehe

    ndak kok…seneng malah,..lah blogger dimana2 sama..berisik..makan2 jalan2..haha

    @really life
    iya…pengen ngulang..hehe..

  4. @dobleh yang malang
    hueeeeeee.. arisan apa dulu..berapa per bulan? hayaaaa… :p

    erggggghhhh…ayo balik om..

    *pura2 ndak baca komen mbk ira* :p

  5. aku cari buku tamunya gak ada atau aku yg kurang jeli,hehe…
    ya sdh aku tulis di sini saja.

    salam kenal selalu dari Sidoarjo,sobat.


  6. @achoey.
    gyakakkak..tengkyu mas..

    diaaaaaaaaaaaammm jangan bilang2..haha

    lah kmrn gw ke jakarta bi..ayo maen2 ke wetiga.

    salam kenal juga.. 🙂

  7. @dillachious
    ichanx emang tuir… hehhe

    iya sob….udah dua kali..

    hueeeeeeeeeee..iya iya…kapan ya..hehe

    @KEn Arok
    doh..dibahas malah yg itu.. errr

    yupi..simpatik itu kan minimal pada level afeksi..salahsatunya doa.. 🙂

  8. saya kopdar ke bandung sudah pernah hehe. tapi yang di kawah itu blom pernah. doh kapan ya bisa ksana rame2? jadi ceritanya kopdar mania nih? hehe… salam kenal dulu ya mas

  9. @antown
    oh ya…huee…seru ya..wah sayang kmu ndak ke situ..keren bg nto,,sumpah..salam kenal jg anyway

    @Neng Keke
    Errrrgghhh.. kurang ngerti hehhee…setauku kmrn dibilangin batagor sih kawah putih..

    salam kenal jg mas..

    bener2..salam kenal..batagor jg atuh?

    wkwkwkkw.. (idiot) (idiot) (idiot)

  10. wait! wait! did you say that you rode a motorcycle from bandung to jakarta, whilst you were not familiar with the places? i am lost… but if that has been the case, then you were great, buddy!

    and the kawah putih seems so exotic, naturally beautiful! what makes it not is YOU! huahahahah… should’ve removed your pic from the foreground, though.

    anyway, it must have been a bomb vacation of yours.

  11. fik..fik..kenapa siy kamu suka banget berfoto dengan pose Golkar jaman baheula gitu? heheheh
    amatin deh foto2nya, gitu semua, mewakili orientasi politik po? wakakakak

  12. @Rian Xavier
    yes it was… awesome…haha

    oh gt..ya ga papa dimulai aja…

    hahaha…no, u’re not true..i’m definitely cool buddy…and the background as well….haha

    aku udah ke tangkuban perahu cuy… 2 tahun yg lalu,,

    iya nih gung,,wah nyesel kamu ndak bertamu sayah..hahaha

    jiaaaaah elu di ujung sana..ntar deh gw backpackeran ke papua…kopdar cuy…

    hahaha..ndak tau yu..itu udah template….hahaha..

  13. Ahh.. long weekend.. and the kopdars, are just one remedy to the soul, right!? 😀
    I wonder when I could do of such and meet the folks you’ve mentioned here – regards to them as well, please..

    I like the photo-shoot where the *”lotek kupat petis”* sigh is visible – makes me homesick indeed.

  14. @anno
    huaaaaa… msh award2an?? tak terima deh..tapi ndak janji posting..hehehe

    ayo pulkam kang.. pulang kampung..hehe

    it is.,..

    *pentung balik trus siramin comberan* wkwkk…. *tertawa setan*

  15. @orido

    lam kenal juga mas…

    gak sempat ke danau situ…tp bener,,,,kawah putih keren bgt je..


    iya….seru bgt mas…apalagi kalo pas abis ujian..hehe

  16. @reallylife
    iya e mas…hehe…udah apdet ndak meaning bgt..haha

    maaf bun…ndak sempet je..hehe

    just copas my address then put it on ur widget buddy..

    wis rampung le…

    telaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttt :))

    it is…..

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